Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Biggest Hallmark Holiday of them All!

At one time or another we've all had the same conversation:  "To hell with Valentine's Day!  It's the biggest rip-off of all time!  Who needs expensive meals, over priced flowers, and indulgent chocolates just to say 'I Love You'?"

Rather than have us all throw our hands up in protest, I'm determined to find a more creative solution.  This whole week will be dedicated to low cost Valentine's Day ideas that will hit your loved one's heart, not your wallet.

Ready Made magazine online has an idea worth stealing,  a Valentine's Day card made from office supplies.  I know that this blog is aimed at those of us that don't have a job, but don't tell me you never "borrowed" some supplies.  Don't think you need to have a lunch hour to make their "Lunch Hour Love Letters."

For a limited time only, is offering 100 roses for $29.99.  This deal seems a little too good to be true, but you certainly can't beat that price.  They will deliver via UPS or DHL for an additional fee depending on the zip code and your choice of delivery date.  

Feeling more creative? Or don't want to pay those bloated shipping charges?  Tomorrow we'll focus on budget displays of affection.

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